Sunday, July 18, 2010

feeling the past moving in

***please don't mind my poor punctuation... I feel as if I write in the rawest form it keeps the artistic feel. :)

Here I sit in my gypsy cave... I take these pills to equal out the chemicals that are free flowing within my brain. Ha that's the 21st century for ya "pills will cure anything"- yeah hardly. 

As we all know according to Newton's  third Law of motion  "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction...". 

So these false chemicals make it easier to deal but cause other demons... though they aren't as bad as the ones that make home in my mind naturally. I often wish there was doctors like those in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The thought of walking in and deleting a past relationship from your memory sounds like a sunny day in paradise. Though, there are so many valuable lessons learned from these experiences, the emotional pain can get to be too much. And I know I'm one of millions who are going through the same thing but it seems as if it's the same sad story for me just worse every time. I've always thought that whether it's the genetic emotional problems or other ones caused by human situations, it's my curse for the beauty my physical being has. Or maybe it's because my best art work comes out of my hardships. 

All I can do in the moment is hope for my nightmares to fade away and be happy that tomorrow is a new day. :)

Love Always,
tiffeka <3

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post!
    And I didn't notice anything wrong with your punctuation ;)
